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- MVTYPE_EMPEnter 'H' for Hourly Employee
- MVTYPE_EMPEnter 'S' for Salaried Employee
- MVMARTL_STBnter 'M' For Married or 'S' For Single
- MVHEAD Enter 'Y' If Single Employee Claims Head of Household Status
- MVHEAD Enter 'N' For All Others
- MVADDR1 Address is a free form entry. No editing is done.
- MVADDR1 The first line is required.
- MVADDR1 The second line can be used if necessary.
- MVCITY City is a free form data entry.
- MVSSN SSN requires that 9 digits be entered.
- MVZIP Zip Code requires that 5 digits be entered.
- MVDEDUCTS Enter the number of duductions claimed
- MVPAY_RATEEnter the Hourly Pay Rate
- MVSALARY Enter the Yearly Salary
- MVVACTN Enter the Number of Weeks Vacation Earned In One Year
- MVSICK Enter the Number of Sick Days Earned In One Year
- MVEXTRA Enter the Amount of Extra Federal Withholding
- MVEXTRA That the Employee Wishes to be Withheld each Pay Period
- MVEXTRA The Amount Must Be In Five Doller Increments
- MVFILE_ST Enter The Filing Status For Married Employees
- MVFILE_ST "J" If Married and Filing a Joint Return
- MVFILE_ST "S" IF Married and Filing a Seperate Return
- MVNBR_INC Enter "1" If Married And There Is Only One Earned Income
- MVNBR_INC In the Family.
- MVNBR_INC Enter "2" If there Are Two Incomes In the Family.
- MVSTART Enter The Date That The Employee Started Work
- FED_SET Use Circular E Employer's Tax Guide.
- FED_SET Use the table labled:
- FED_SET 'If the payroll period with Respect to an Employee is Annual'.
- FED_SET The system is set up to take your pay period, i.e. Weekly
- FED_SET Biweekly, Semimonthly, or Monthly and prorate it to a Yearly
- FED_SET Amount. It then figures the tax on the yearly amount, and then
- FED_SET prorates tax back to your pay period.
- TAXRATE Enter the current year SSI Rate that is to be withheld from
- TAXRATE the Employees salary. This can be entered as either Rate or
- TAXRATE Percentage. The setup utility will convert Percentage to Rate
- TAXRATE automatically.
- TAXRATE Enter the current year SSI Maximum. This is the amount beyond
- TAXRATE which no further SSI Taxes are withheld from the employees
- TAXRATE salary.
- CONSTSET Select the Menu Option which describes how often you pay
- CONSTSET your employees.
- INPTSET You are presented with two options.
- INPTSET If you select 'One Person Per Screen' you will be persented the
- INPTSET data entry screen one employee at a time.
- INPTSET If you select 'Many Persons Per Screen' you will be presented
- INPTSET the data entry screens with as many as eight employees per
- INPTSET screen.
- OVRTIME Enter the rate at which overtime is computed.
- OVRTIME If overtime is computed at the same rate as regular time
- OVRTIME enter '1.0'.
- OVRTIME If overtime is computed as time and one half enter '1.5'.
- OVRTIME If overtime is computed at another rate enter the appropriate
- OVRTIME rate.
- MVSTATE Alabama AL Louisiana LA Ohio OH
- MVSTATE Alaska AK Maine ME Oklahoma OK
- MVSTATE Arizona AZ Maryland MD Oregon OR
- MVSTATE Arkansas AR Massachusetts MA Pennsylvania PA
- MVSTATE California CA Michigan MI Rhode Island RI
- MVSTATE Colorado CO Minnesota MN South Carolina SC
- MVSTATE Connecticut CT Mississippi MS South Dakota SD
- MVSTATE Delaware DE Missouri MO Tennessee TN
- MVSTATE Florida FL Montana MT Texas TX
- MVSTATE Georgia GA Nebraska NE Utah UT
- MVSTATE Hawaii HI Nevada NV Vermont VT
- MVSTATE Idaho ID New Hampshire NH Virginia VA
- MVSTATE Illinois IL New Jersey NJ Washington WA
- MVSTATE Indiana IN New Mexico NM West Virginia WV
- MVSTATE Iowa IA New York NY Wisconsin WI
- MVSTATE Kansas KS North Carolina NC Wyoming WY
- MVSTATE Kentucky KY North Dakota ND
- M_STD_HRS Enter the standard number of hours that an employee works
- M_STD_HRS during the pay period. This figure will be used during time
- M_STD_HRS entry to set the regular hours field.
- HOURS_M You are presented with data entry fields for Regular Hours,
- HOURS_M Overtime Hours, Vacation Hours, Holiday Hours and Sick Hours.
- HOURS_M The 'Regular Hours' field already contains the number of
- HOURS_M 'Regular Hours' that you selected during system setup.
- HOURS_M If the number is correct press the ENTER/RETURN key. If it is
- HOURS_M not correct, overtype with the correct number of hours.
- HOURS_M You may press the 'ESCAPE' key at any time to proceed to the
- HOURS_M next employee. The following limitation on the 'ESCAPE' key is
- HOURS_M to be noted. If the data in any input field is changed, and the
- HOURS_M escape key is pressed before the 'ENTER/RETURN' key is pressed,
- HOURS_M the new data will be ignored and the data will remain as it was
- HOURS_M before being changed.
- HOURS_M If you desire to cancel all data that has been entered
- HOURS_M select 'Reset Payroll' from the 'Payroll Menu'.
- HOURS_M This will purge all data from the system associated with the
- HOURS_M current 'Pay Date'. This will allow you to start over again
- HOURS_M as if payroll processing had never been started.
- HOURS_1 You are presented with data entry fields for Regular Hours,
- HOURS_1 Overtime Hours, Vacation Hours, Holiday Hours and Sick Hours.
- HOURS_1 The 'Regular Hours' field already contains the number of
- HOURS_1 'Regular Hours' that you selected during system setup.
- HOURS_1 If the number is correct press the ENTER/RETURN key. If it is
- HOURS_1 not correct, overtype with the correct number of hours.
- HOURS_1 You may press the 'ESCAPE' key at any time to proceed to the
- HOURS_1 next employee. The following limitation on the 'ESCAPE' key is
- HOURS_1 to be noted. If the data in any input filed is changed, and the
- HOURS_1 escape key is pressed before the 'ENTER/RETURN' key is pressed,
- HOURS_1 the new data will be ignored and the data will remain as it was
- HOURS_1 before being changed.
- HOURS_1 If you desire to cancel all data that has been entered
- HOURS_1 select 'Reset Payroll' from the 'Payroll Menu'.
- HOURS_1 This will purge all data from the system associated with the
- HOURS_1 current 'Pay Date'. This will allow you to start over again
- HOURS_1 as if payroll processing had never been started.
- MVDEPT Department is not a required filed.
- MVDEPT It is a free form entry. No editing is done.
- OUTPTSET You are presented with two options.
- OUTPTSET A - Payroll Summary On Paper
- OUTPTSET B - Pre-Printed Form Feed Checks
- OUTPTSET If you select option 'A' the output from the Print Check Option
- OUTPTSET on the Payroll Menu will print the payroll data in summary
- OUTPTSET format on plain paper. This will allow you to write your checks
- OUTPTSET by hand.
- OUTPTSET If yoy select option 'B' the output from the Print Check Option
- OUTPTSET on the Payroll Menu will print in payroll date in check
- OUTPTSET format onto a pre-printed form-feed check.
- OUTPTSET Pre-printed checks compatable with EEG-PAY are available from
- OUTPTSET Moore Business Products.
- OUTPTSET They are identified as Series 6100 Payroll Check.
- OUTPTSET The Catalog Number is "39L18754".
- OUTPTSET Moore's Phone Number is 1-800-323-6230.
- MVFEDALLOWEnter the number of allowances claimed on the employees
- MVFEDALLOWFederal W-4 Form.
- PAY_MENU A - Individual Time Entry
- PAY_MENU Displays screens to provide for data input of
- PAY_MENU Regular Hours, Overtime Hours, Vacation Hours,
- PAY_MENU Holiday Hours and Sick Hours.
- PAY_MENU B - Standard Time For All Employees
- PAY_MENU Automatically enters the number of hours that you selected
- PAY_MENU during the setup procedure as standard hours per pay period
- PAY_MENU into the regular hours field. If you left standard hours at
- PAY_MENU zero during setup, the standared number of hours will be
- PAY_MENU requested. All other fields will be zeroed.
- PAY_MENU C - Enter Time By Exception
- PAY_MENU Allows you to select those employees that will not have
- PAY_MENU standard hours this pay period. After employee selection
- PAY_MENU is complete, standard time is entered for all other
- PAY_MENU employees. You are then presented with input screen(s)
- PAY_MENU to set the hours for the selected employees.
- PAY_MENU D - Compute Payroll
- PAY_MENU Computes the payroll using the hours entered with the
- PAY_MENU A, B, or C option. No operator inervation is required
- PAY_MENU if data has been entered for all employees.
- PAY_MENU E - Print Checks
- PAY_MENU Prints the Payroll. A reminder is given to turn printer on
- PAY_MENU and set forms to top of page.
- PAY_MENU F - Reset Payroll
- PAY_MENU Purges all data associated with current Payroll Ending date.
- PAY_MENU This allows the data entry process to be started again from
- PAY_MENU option A, B, or C.
- PAY_MENU G - Reissue Check
- PAY_MENU Provides for the reissue of any check that was issued during
- PAY_MENU current year.
- PAY_MENU To reissue a check from a previous year, use option
- PAY_MENU C - Previous Year Reports on the Report Menu.
- PAY_MENU M - Return to Main Menu
- PAY_MENU Returns you to the Main Menu
- MVXTR_1AMTEnter the amount to be withheld each pay period.
- MVXTR_1_NMEnter the name of the dudection, such as insurance, retirement
- MVXTR_1_NMor savings bond
- MVCMSHIND If any part of the employees pay is paid on commission
- MVCMSHIND enter 'Y' otherwise enter 'N'.
- MVALIMONY If the employee has a part of his wages withheld for alimony
- MVALIMONY enter the amount to be withheld each pay period.
- MVCHLDSPRTIf the employee has a part of his wages withheld for child
- MVCHLDSPRTsupport payments, enter the amount to be withheld each
- MVCHLDSPRTpay period.
- MVXTR_2AMTEnter the amount to be withheld each pay period.
- MVXTR_2_NMEnter the name of the dudection, such as insurance, retirement
- MVXTR_2_NMor savings bond
- MVXTR_3AMTEnter the amount to be withheld each pay period.
- MVXTR_3_NMEnter the name of the dudection, such as insurance, retirement
- MVXTR_3_NMor savings bond
- MVFNAME First name is a free form entry. It is a required field.
- MVINIT Initial is a free form entry.
- MVLNAME Last name is a free form entry.
- MVLNAME If you leave the last name field blank, data entry will be
- MVLNAME terminated, and you will be returned to the Menu.
- MVLNAME If you leave the last name field blank and press the F2 key,
- MVLNAME an alphabetical list of all the employees will be displayed.
- MVLNAME If you enter 'G' in the last name field and press the F2 key,
- MVLNAME an alphabetical of all employees whose last name begins with
- MVLNAME 'G' will be be displayed.
- MVLNAME If you enter 'Smit' in the last name field and press the F2 key,
- MVLNAME an alphabetical list of all employees whose last name begins
- MVLNAME with 'Smit' will be displayed.
- MVLNAME When the list is displayed, you may select an employee by
- MVLNAME placing the light bar over the desired employee and pressing
- MVLNAME enter. You will be returned to the data entry screen with the
- MVLNAME data for the selected employee on the screen.